Saturday, March 8, 2008

Governor Schwarzenegger's Stand

I received this e-mail today:

Today Governor Schwarzenegger issued a statement in opposition to recent Second District Court of Appeals ruling on home schooling. He vowed to take action to protect the rights of parents if the courts do not overturn the decision.

Here is what the Governor had to say:

"Every California child deserves a quality education and parents should have the right to decide what's best for their children. Parents should not be penalized for acting in the best interests of their children's education. This outrageous ruling must be overturned by the courts and if the courts don't protect parents' rights then, as elected officials, we will."

To learn more about the Governor's priorities and vision for California visit his web site at

I'm glad to see Governor Schwarzenegger standing behind the rights of parents. Well done Governor!


1 comment:

  1. I am VERY surprised, but pleased that he IS defending parental rights. Still praying for other the issues he's created:
    Grace and peace, Leinani
